Archive | April, 2015

Easter Meditation

7 Apr

My blog post on our church website Monday.

Tabernacle for Today

imagesSince a brief Easter meditation cannot reflect every possible thought about Easter, I choose with this one to reflect on Christ’s inclusivity.

Every human being longs for love and acceptance, to the point that we sometimes do crazy things to obtain them.

With Christ, we don’t need to do crazy things.  He just loves us!!!

Savor that for a moment.  You are loved as you are by a God who is totally holy.  He came as the God-man to ensure you would be able to live with Him forever.  Easter commemorates His defeat of death on our behalf.


Sunday our Sunday school lesson in my ladies’ class juxtaposed John 20 with John 4 (our current study is in the book of John).

In John 20, we see that Christ is risen from the dead and first shows Himself to a person who could not even legally bear witness, Mary…

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