Tag Archives: being teased for missing the obvious

My Random Brain!

29 Apr

I have long said that I am so random that, if I were in school today, they would not let me through the door without slapping me on Ritalin!!!  LOL!

As it was, back in the 1970’s, I was the class daydreamer but I managed to pull off straight A’s and be our valedictorian, so it was all good.  No one worried about a diagnosis for someone like me back then.

Today proved to me, once again, how selective my attention can be.

Our group of contractors at a military base is going to work for a new command.  Due to sequestration and other forces, our old command is going away.  So we have a new boss as of today . . .

He gave us a briefing in our conference room.  I have only been in this room once before, just for a meeting that time.

About 3/4 of the way through our meeting today, I noticed my contractor boss, to my left, looking straight ahead of us at a video display on the wall.  

Since we were all at a long table, with our new boss at the head, I had been turning my head to view the video display in front of him.  Turns out there was one right in front of my eyes all along!!!  And one behind me for the people sitting across from us.  

My contractor boss is also very random but he is hyperactive and never misses anything.  So I figured he had noticed me looking at the display off to our far left.  I figured I was going to be teased (a lot) when I got back to our office for not looking at the one right in front of me! That is one of his favorite things to do–catch me missing the obvious and make fun of me for it! Preferably right in front of everyone else. LOL!

I started to alternate my views between the two screens.  And I watched my workmates.  I was relieved to see that some of them were looking at the same display I was, the one our new boss was using as he briefed us.  

It occurred to me that it was an “old dogs, new tricks” kind of scenario.  Most of us came up through the ranks without video screens.  We would show slideshows on an actual screen in front of the senior person in the room.  

We had been conditioned to look where the senior person in the room was looking!!!

On the other hand, our younger coworkers have been raised with everyone having their own, accessible screen.  They expect to see a display in front of them–to not have to turn to view a presentation.    

I suppose it is just another generational anomaly.  

I am just glad I did not get teased for it today. Believe me, there will be something else to tease me about before long. LOL!